Let me start by saying that there is no 'Typical Day' when it comes to working with myself and my approach to the spoken word, because every school and setting is totally different and the young people and staff have differing needs. Each day is a ‘ Bespoke Day’ therefore.
Saying this I will however endeavour to try and define a 'Typical Day'
AM (first session, 1 hour)
Year 2 Poetry Class, (whole class)
1 hour every week for six weeks culminating a performance
AM (second session, 1 hour)
Year 4 Spark Speech Class, (whole class) 1 hour every week for six weeks which will include all the elements of creating and performing a speech entitled. "If I could change the world"This is an introductory class on speech creating and performing.
Lunch (40 minutes)
Debating society/Club,(12 young people maximum) 40 minutes each week. Young people will learn the rudiments of how to make and engage in a structured debate
PM (first session, 1 hour )
Year 5/6/7/8 Ignite Speech Class (whole class) 1 hour every week for six weeks. This class includes all the elements of creating and performing a speech entitled. "If I could change the world". This is a more advanced class on creating and performing public speeches.
PM (second session 1 hour)
EYFS Storytelling /’Helicopter stories’ (class to be split into two groups) with 30 minutes for each group
After school
I offer twilights (staff cpd) on all things ‘oracy based’ and also after school clubs with an aim to work towards LAMDA certification/qualifications
This is by no means an exhaustive list of what I offer on a ‘typical day’.
If you would like any more information or even a chat about an idea please do not hesitate to get in touch via the 'contact' tab